7 October 2011

Chocolate vs. Fruits

I have a sweet tooth,....and I loooove chocolate like other girls do. 
Today's device is - Girlstime! I invited my friends to a sweet little grilsparty. The main attraction of the evening will be a chocolate fountain and a lot of delicious fruits. Beside eating, we planed to drink a good wine, to have a little bit more self- confidence to play Singstar. I'm sorry for my neighbour's ears, but...
"Girls just wanna have fun"! 
The idea for the party was very spontaneous, so we didn't have time to organize decorations or stuff like that, but one day I would love to make a theme- girlsparty, where we would have a dresscode, decorations, adequate food and music. So cross your fingers for me =)

Yours Dreamcode

Thank you girls for a great party =)

1 comment:

  1. Vielen lieben dank :-D Dann kriegst du jetzt noch ein verspätes ''Herzlichen Glückwunsch'' von mir :-) Ich hoffe, dass du die Sau an deinem Geburtstag rausgelassen hast :-D <3
